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Don't Let Inactivity Kill Your Lawn Mower Battery

Man on red riding lawn mower with CTEK Around the Yard wording over top. A CTEK MUS 3300 battery charger pictured right of photoRiding lawn mowers fluctuate between being in high demand during the spring and summer months and sitting dormant during the late fall and winter. The months of inactivity can be tough on a lawn mower battery. A CTEK battery charger is the solution. 

The majority of riding lawn mowers utilize a 12-volt lead-acid battery.

Lead-acid batteries consist of a number of cells. Each cell has positive and negative plates, separators and electrolyte, all contained in a battery container. Cells are densely packed with alternating lead and lead oxide sheets. 

Using an electrochemical reaction, a lead-acid battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

When a battery is used, sulfuric acid in the electrolyte is being depleted. As a result, the electrolyte closely resembles water. As that is happening, sulfate from the acid is coating the plates, which reduces the surface area over which a chemical reaction can occur.

When a battery is charged, the process is reversed, driving sulfate back into the acid.

The most common cause of battery failure is sulfation, a buildup of lead sulfate crystals. This occurs when a battery is deprived of a full charge (also called “killing the battery” or “draining the battery”). Sulfate materials crystallize on the discharged portions of the battery plates, damaging the battery.

All lead-acid batteries accumulate sulfation over the course of their lifetime, as a part of the natural chemical process. The problems occur when sulfation builds up.

Allowing a battery to go dead for long periods of time will cause sulfation. As a battery is stored - such as in the long winter months when a mower isn’t being used - a battery must be charged to prevent sulfation.

Even if a lawn mower is frequently used, the battery might not be receiving the full charge it needs.

Lawn mowers are designed to run at full throttle. At full throttle, a mower achieves the needed revolutions-per-minute required to recharge a battery. But if a mower isn’t operated at full throttle, the battery might not receive the charge it needs. Even a 10% reduction in revolutions-per-minute will drop the effectiveness of a mower’s charging system.

Using a CTEK battery charger to maintain your lawn mower battery’s full charge will help lengthen a battery’s life.

Close up of CTEK MUS 3300 control panelCTEK’s MUS 3300 is a fully automatic battery charger with patented Float/Pulse maintenance.

Plug in the MUS 3300 while your lawn mower is in the garage and let it do its work. The MUS 3300 is an ideal charger for everyday use.

It tests battery condition before charging to establish if the battery can receive and retain a charge. The MUS 3300 features a patented automatic desulphation phase, during the early charing process.

A special “Snowflake” mode is perfect for optimum charging on cold winter days - great for the months when your lawn is dormant and the mower parked for the season.

The MUS 3300 is ideal for long-term maintenance. You can “connect and forget” it. When you do want to check your battery, the entire charging process can be followed on an easy-to-read LED screen.

Using CTEK’s MUS 3300 helps ensure your lawn mower is ready to roll when your yard demands it.

“Having owned several of another ‘popular’ brand of charger, the CTEK is far and above superior in every possible category. WELL worth the miniscule additional cost. ”
